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Mama D’s 3-Ingredient Elixir.

Oh hey, Wednesday.

This week is going by unbelievably quickly, most likely because things are insane over here between school and work, but I’m not exactly complaining since January is basically the Monday of months, amiright? More importantly though, it’s been a conscious effort of mine (and perhaps somewhat of a New Year’s Resolution) to make more time to take care of myself.Not only does that include eating better and working out to stay healthy, but also taking the time to rest, like when I impulsively booked a 90-minute massage Monday afternoon for that evening…yep, it was as amazing as it sounds.

Another way I’ve been trying to relax is by unwinding at night with a cup of tea and my coloring book, favorite show or an audio-book (am I 90 years old or what). The only bad thing about tea is that my favorite kinds have caffeine, so when I was home for the holidays, I tried one of my mom’s favorite drinks: homemade honey ginger syrup with hot water and lemon. Honestly, I thought I was going to hate it, but I went for it and am now obsessed. This drink is not only delicious but also crazy good for you. Ginger and lemon are proven to do wonders for digestion and metabolism, and they’re both full of vitamins! I highly suggest making this asap.

Mama D’s 3-Ingredient Elixir

3 tbsp fined sliced ginger

1 cup honey

1/2 lemon (per cup)

  1. In a mason jar or tupperware with lid, combine the honey and ginger. *Make sure not to cut the ginger too finely, unless you’re planning on drinking it (I don’t!).

2. Let the mixture sit in the fridge for at least 5 days so the flavors can meld. Once ready to enjoy, boil 2 cups of water. Add 2 tablespoons (or more to taste) to a mug of hot water with juice from 1/2 a lemon. Stir to dissolve.

*The mixture will last up to a month in the fridge. I tend to just add honey as needed when it’s running low, but I keep the ginger in there at all times.

Drink up!

xo Jordan

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