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Single-Serving Protein Cookies (And Why I Put Cinnamon on Everything).

Hi friends!

I’m back with a recipe that just blew my mind and took about 36 seconds to create. 5 ingredients, a ton of protein, and gluten-free – what’s not to love?! Plus, these seriously taste like ice cream. I don’t even know how that’s possible, but they do…

The 5th ingredient is optional, but amps up the flavor and adds a ton of health benefits. I don’t know if you are all as obsessed with cinnamon as I am, but I honestly put it on (almost) everything. I’ll put it in my coffee grounds before I brew my morning cup, on top of my peanut butter toast, in oatmeal, on yogurt, and even on sweet potatoes. Not only is it delicious, but it has so many awesome properties. It regulates blood sugar, contributes to better heart health, boosts brain function, is loaded with antioxidants, has anti-inflammatory characteristics, and may even protect against cancer! So yes, you should start incorporating it into your everyday meals and snacks stat.

So anyways, I suggest making these when you’re craving something sweet whether it’s late at night or after a workout. They’ll satisfy a sweet-tooth without completely ruining all of your hard work aka the dream.

Single-Serving Protein Cookies

2/3 scoop vanilla whey protein powder

1 heaping tbsp natural, unsalted peanut butter (TJ’s has the best!)

1 tbsp honey or agave

1 tbsp cashew/almond/coconut/soy milk

1 tsp cinnamon

1. In a bowl, thoroughly combine all ingredients.

2. Shape into truffles or cookies. Eat immediately, or freeze for a couple minutes first!

Note: If saving these for later, store in an airtight container or ziploc in the fridge.

Enjoy 🙂

xo Jordan

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