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February Favorites

You guys it’s already almost March and I literally just realized I never even did a January Favorites roundup…THAT’S how quickly time is passing?

That being said, it’s been an incredibly exciting month filled with change (#entrepreneurlife), events (because that life also requires lots of networking), and fun, too! In fact, I’m actually in Colorado right now for our annual family ski trip, and have been to both Ojai and the Santa Ynez Valley in the past couple of weeks, so fun might be an understatement…

Since I’m technically rounding up my favorites from the last two months instead of just one, I can tell you that the products listed below are for real some of the foods or things I enjoy on a regular basis after having had time to really evaluate what got to make the cut?

Banza Chickpea Rice – You guys this RICE holy crap. It’s made out of chickpeas…like WHAT?! HOW. It tastes like orzo and only takes about 6 minutes to make, plus it has 11g of protein and 5g of fiber. I turned mine into “fried rice” by sautéeing garlic and ginger, then adding shitake mushrooms, carrots, coconut aminos, avocado and TJ’s ETBT seasoning!

Ona Cookies – When I tell you guys that I try a lot of little healthy treats/bars, I mean a LOT. I haven’t fallen in love with a snack like these Ona Cookies in quite some time and it’s safe to say that I’m full on hooked. They’re gluten-free and kind of taste like macaroons, but so much better and the flavors are to die for. I think the Coconut Shortbread is my favorite!

Trader Joe’s Cauliflower Gnocchi – Listen. I would be straight up lying to you if I said I didn’t have this at least twice a week for dinner. Maybe three times…it’s just THAT good and that easy! I usually sauté mine in a pan with ghee and spinach, add in a tablespoon or two of pesto, and some parmesan. Well, that or my vegan mac and cheese sauce!

Elmhurst 1925 Plant Based Milks – I know everyone and their mother makes nut milks now, but I recently tried Elmhurst 1925 and was blown away. First of all, the ingredients are always just the nut (or oat) plus water, that’s IT. And lemme tell ya, next time you’re grocery shopping just take a look at the nutrition label on your almond milk. I can almost guarantee you’ll see a longer list of ingredients! These milks are also nice and creamy, especially when you froth them before pouring in your hot coffee?

Lavva Plant Based Yogurt – Okay I’ve clearly formed many obsessions this month because I swear to you I could survive off this stuff. I’ve tried a ton of different non-dairy yogurts and truly have hated them all…until now!! Lavva is thicker than any others I’ve tried (they’re usually so soup-y!) and the flavors are incredible. I also love that there’s no added sugar!

Mad Fit YouTube Workouts – What’s that you say, you didn’t know about my YouTube obsession? Yep, welcome to my life folks. I don’t even watch tv anymore really? One of my favorite things about the platform though is access to free workouts!! Mad Fit posts all kinds of amazing workouts that vary in time and work all different parts of the body. They’re home-workout friendly and require little to no equipment, too!

Osso Good Bones Signature Bone Broth – So it’s come to my attention that not many people know what bone broth is! I think I must just live in an LA bubble because I feel like everyone I know is drinking this stuff – it’s insanely high in protein and nutrients, but fairly low in calories (not that I’m counting, but y’know!). And more importantly, it’s amazing for gut health! If you want to hear more about it, and why I love Osso Good Bones so much, you can watch my YT video from my broth cleanse!

True & Co. Bras – Okay I know this isn’t for everyone, just my ladies, but I had to share it with you. I’ve been searching high and freakin’ LOW for a solid strapless bra that doesn’t dig into me or fall down, and I’ve finally found a winner. I actually might be even more obsessed with the True Body Seamless V Neck Bra, which I was definitely not expecting. It seemed a little grandma-y when I first got it and now that I’ve worn it for the past 5 days, I can confirm that it is straight up seamless magic.

WHEW, sorry that was a long one! I wish I could add at least 5 more things, but those might have to wait since I know you probably have a zillion things you have to do today.

Thank you so much for stopping by and if you have time, please let me know in the comments some of the things you’ve been loving lately!

xo Jordan

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