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5 Things You Can Do Tonight for a Healthier, More Productive Tomorrow

Hey y’all! I’m currently freaking out over the fact that Thanksgiving (and my trip home!) is THIS week. So. Freakin’. PUMPED.

As you know, I recently moved in with the boy to a new apartment that I am absolutely loving. To me, moving into a new home means more than just having a new place to sleep. I’d like to think of it as almost a fresh start, a good time to set goals, and create new routines. Since I won’t be going from place to place each night anymore (not that I did that every single night, but you feel me), it’s been so much easier to get into a healthy morning and evening routine. I sort of had one already, but it’s been so wonderful being able to implement my old routine with some new elements on a more regular basis.

I think having an evening routine not only helps minimize things like the Sunday Scaries (which may happen on any given day of the week, let’s be real), or frantic mornings that result in forgetting a packed lunch or gym sneakers at home once you’ve already left for the day. I know I’ve definitely had days like that, but I want to give you some ideas so that you and I both can help prevent them, and in case you’re feeling like you need to get your sh*t together. *raises hand*

So here’s a list of the things I like to do each night (or as much as possible) that help me de-stress, sleep a little better, and head into the next day feeling more confident.

1. Make a to-do list for tomorrow – Okay y’all, this tip is #1 because it is my number one. Every single night I write down in my planner my schedule for the next day and anything I need to remember to do. This helps eliminate that late night panic that sets in when you think about all the things you need to do the next day but aren’t sure you’ll be able to do. If you’ve never felt this way, then I applaud you because man that is not a fun feeling. When you plan your day ahead of time, you can see that yes, you can in fact accomplish everything you need to and life is far more manageable than it seems when you’ve got eight thousand thoughts bouncing around in the darkness. It also makes it easy to not forget to a) pay your credit card bill or b) call your grandmother to wish her a happy birthday…just two examples of things that may slip your mind when you’re in the throes of a busy day.

2. Pack your bag for the next day – Whether it’s your gym bag, your backpack or your briefcase, get everything in there that you think you’ll need. Your plans can’t get derailed if you’re ready to go and it’s easier to space and forget your gym socks in the morning when you’re rushing than it is as night with a clear head. I like to make sure I’ve got my wallet ready (in case I took out my ID or any credit cards over the weekend to put in a clutch), my water bottle, a gym outfit, sneakers, and my laptop if I need it. I’ll also put any snacks in my purse that don’t need to be refrigerated, so that I don’t find myself hangry at the office in the afternoon and reaching for cheez-its that I don’t actually even like…know what I mean? Life is just so much easier when you can get up and get ready in the morning without running around like a crazy person.

3. Prep your breakfast & lunch – You’ve probably heard me say this before, but I’m a firm believer in packing a lunch every single day to save money and stay on track with my health goals. I don’t necessarily do a full meal-prep sesh on Sundays, but I do like to pack my lunch bag the night before so that it’s ready to grab and go before I head out the door. Usually I’ll mix some leftover from dinner with some veggies I’ve roasted, maybe a grain I’ve prepped like brown rice or quinoa, and a sauce like hummus. Additionally, since I now like to eat my breakfast at 9am when I get into the office, I may prep some overnight oats or a yogurt parfait the night before, too. I can assure that on days I don’t do my meal prep the night before, I most definitely find myself running late trying to put my tupperware together in the morning.

4. Pick your outfit – Okay have you ever been trying to fall asleep but can’t because you find yourself thinking of that absolute dumbest sh*t like what you’re going to wear the next day to work or school or dinner? Yep, guilty. It’s so frustrating because you literally just want to fall asleep but you’re thinking about something so silly, yet also essential. My remedy for this is simply to pick out your outfit either in your mind or physically lay it out on your dresser/in your closet before you even lay down to go to sleep. I know it seems like a quick no-brainer, but trust me, if you wake up in the morning and don’t know what the weather is or what you’re going to put on your body, you could waste 15 minutes staring at your clothes instead of getting on with your morning. Been. There.

5. Take a minute for yourself – This right here is a BIG one, my friends. I’m a firm believe in self-care because it’s really, really hard to pour from an empty cup. What I mean by that is if you spend all day working, and then maybe you go to the gym, or meet a friend for dinner, you haven’t actually had time to settle your mind. Have you ever gotten home from a dinner with friends at 10pm and even though you were exhausted before you met them, you’re too wired now to pass out? It’s because your brain is still going. Everyone has different ways they like to unwind, but some of mine include browsing Pinterest or watching one of my favorite tv shows with a cup of tea and a face mask on. Whatever you need to do for you, I think taking at least 15 minutes to do a mini re-set can be so valuable for heading into the next day with a rested mind and happy heart.

Okay enough about me, I want to know what your night routine is. Do you set your clothes out the night before or mini meal-prep, too? Let me know in the comments and have a wonderful rest of your week!

xo Jordan

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