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Balancing a Healthy Life with a Fun One.

Wanna hear something hilarious?

I used to be one of those people who was like, “I’m sooooo lucky, I never get hungover! Isn’t that crazy!?” And now? I literally want to roll my eyes so hard at 22-year old me because WOW. I mean, if you’re in you’re early 20’s and you read that sentence saying “OMG same!” then that is fantastic and live your bliss, girl. However, I have a feeling that is not the case for most of y’all.

These days, I avoid sugary cocktails and white wine like the plague if I’m planning on having more than one drink because if I don’t, I will literally be a useless human the day after. That being said though, I still want to live my life, especially since I don’t have the free time to do so very often anyway. If you read one of my latest posts, I’m actually making a conscious effort to say yes more to hanging out with friends and trying new restaurants or bars, while worrying less about how these things will derail my health goals.

Here’s the truth, though: you CAN do both! As in, live your life and have a few drinks, but also still be a health-conscious, active person. Maybe not like, every single day, but everything in moderation, right? I’ll give you an example. Friday night I went out to a comedy show in West Hollywood with my cousin and there was a two drink minimum. Since I had a fitness event on Saturday that I really wanted to enjoy, I chose to go with club soda. On Saturday night however, I wanted nothing more than to drink some wine on the beach at sunset, so I freakin’ did it. And you know what? I’m still here, getting sh*t done on a Sunday after a morning workout, and I probably weigh (and look) exactly the same. Nuts, right?! *catch the sarcasm*

I know it’s not easy, but there are some things you can do to make it easier to complete your workout the day after you go out with your friends. I’m currently working out with Aaptiv, an audio fitness app that allows you to participate in guided workouts of your choice, to show you some easy ways you can feel your best and get moving, even if it’s just for 10 minutes! Trust me, you will feel better once you sweat it out a little 😉

With they’re help, I’m sharing this infographic with you so that you can make sure you’re checking the boxes before and during your workout. Staying hydrated, having a nutritious snack, taking it slow, and hanging in there as long as you can without risking injury are so important. Again, if all you can give is 10 minutes, and all you have energy for is a quick power walk, so be it! What’s really important is that you’re helping your body recover without pushing yourself too hard.

What I love about Aaptiv is that you can choose literally anything you feel like doing and there is someone there to guide you through it. There’s yoga, running, HIIT and toning workouts, but also “classes” for machines like the elliptical and stairmaster (my favorite!!). I often get bored of doing the same things a few days a week at my gym, but Aaptiv makes it easy to switch things up there, or anywhere. Each workout is a different length too, so you can workout as hard and as long as you’d like.

If you head over to their website, you can sign up for a free one-month trial, and then it’s just $9.99 from there on out, which is waaaaay cheaper than studio classes! Aaptiv was generous enough to share a free 30-day code for me and my readers, as well, so you’ll actually get two whole months for free! Just enter the code BURPEES at checkout and you’re good to go. Download the app and let me know which workouts you’re going to try! I’ve been eyeing the Abs Intensive and a few of the 7-minute HITT workouts.

Have a great week, friends 🙂

xo Jordan

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