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September Favorites

Ahh, it’s finally starting to cool down in LA and my favorite season is here!!!

I know everyone is always like, “OMG I LOVE FALL THE MOST AND SWEATERS AND PSLs” but I actually, legitimately love fall the most. I’m originally from the northeast where the leaves change colors and we go apple picking and eat cider donuts and this year will always, ALWAYS be my favorite.

Anyway, now that you know about my intense love for this season, let’s just jump into some monthly favorites, shall we?! I always share some of my foodie favorites with you guys, but today I’m sharing some fitness & beauty, too! I think I’m going to start incorporating some more of those things on here, I hope that’s okay with you?


Square Organics Peanut Butter Protein Crisp Bars in Dark Chocolate Chip – Square Organics (aka one of my favorite brands) launched their new Peanut Butter Protein Crisp Bars this month and the Dark Chocolate Chip one has my heart (pictured up there ^). I love all their flavors, but this one takes the cake for me! I’ve been eating them in the afternoon between lunch and dinner but before my workouts, or crumbling half on top of my smoothies when I’m starving. (P.s. You can use the code ‘dancing.for.donuts’ for 20% off on their site!)

Spudsy Sweet Potato Puffs – I know we are snacking harddddd in this post, but I couldn’t not include these. And they’re actually not too terrible in the nutrition department! I almost ate the entire bag in 7 minutes and had to shove them in the way back of our cabinet so I wouldn’t actually. It was crazy. Their BBQ is hands down my favorite, but the cinnamon and cheddar are so freaking good, too. I will absolutely be buying these again and again!!

NatureBox Snacks (Literally All of Them) – So I initially just had the lentil loops on here, but then I went through a bag of the twists and fruit squares in a day each, and realized that I was obsessed with just more than one of NatureBox’s snacks? I did a giveaway this month with NatureBox, but am legitimately a full-blown fan. It’s super affordable and the snack variety on here is incredible, especially if you have dietary restrictions! I ordered a bunch and keep them in my desk at work. On second thought, maybe I shouldn’t do that…too tempting…

Right Foods Miso Ramen Cups – I realize this is not necessarily the healthiest option for lunch or dinner, but I’ve made two of these guys at work during lunch when I was cold and paired them with a PerfectBar (have you tried the Pumpkin ones yet?!), and it was perfect. I seriously love these – the flavor is amazing and for ramen cups, they’re really not too bad! I bet you could add in some spinach or kale and top it with an egg for a full meal.

Good Day Chocolates (Sleep Supplement) – I don’t know if you guys take melatonin to help sleep (I definitely do, especially while traveling!) and I’m fascinated by these!! It’s basically melatonin in a really, REALLY good chocolate. I’m in love. They also make energy and calm ones!!


Box Union – I know that most of you don’t actually have a Box Union specifically near you (if you’re in LA, I went to the one in Santa Monica), but I suppose this is more just about boxing in general! I’ve been wanting to take a boxing class forever (the VS angels do it…), but I was terrified for some reason. I went this past weekend with my friend Pam and had a freakin’ BLAST. I love that it’s a more individual workout – you have your own bag and your own space, and there’s a good combination of cardio and other toning moves intermixed with the arm stuff. The soundtrack for class was also on POINT and I was definitely sore the next day!


52 Lists of Togetherness – Have you guys tried any of these books?! They’re kind of like prompted journaling in list form. A friend gave me the original 52 Lists Project, but this one launched just last week and it’s awesome!! It’s sort of meant to be done with a loved one or significant other, but you can totally write things down yourself! I used to be obsessed with journaling, but time kind of gets in the way these days. I love these books because they’re an easy way to release some creative energy without having to write pages on pages!


Pacifica Dreamy Youth Moisturizer – If I had to pick one thing in my beauty/skincare routine that I’ve been obsessed with since like, the first half of 2018, it would be THIS. First of all, you can get this stuff at Target for like $16, but it’s also vegan (cool, in my book) and has a crap ton of benefits. It also feels and smells amazing, and I have absolutely noticed a change in my skin. I could not recommend this more!!

SLMD Skincare Hyaluronic Acid Serum – Soooo admittedly I work for SLMD Skincare, but I can honestly tell you that our new serum is amazing!!! I was SO worried to use it because I have pretty oily skin in the summertime, and this product feels slightly oily? But it’s legitimately incredible. I’ve been using it for about a month in place of a moisturizer some days and it makes my skin glow!!

Honestly guys, I could add like 10 more things on here, but I don’t want to overwhelm you!! My dad told me blog posts are too long, so I’m trying to cut back on the wordiness? Let me know in the comments if there’s anything you’ve been obsessed with this month!!

xo Jordan

For more of my monthly favorites, head here:

August Favorites

July Favorites

June Favorites

May Favorites

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