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Weekend In My Life: Food Blogging, Fitness + Eats (My First Vlog!)

Guys. I did something. I made my first YouTube video?

I’m not gonna lie to you, I’m kind of afraid to post this, but I’m also kind of really proud so I want to share it with you…

I promised myself I would learn how to create and edit video in 2018, so here I am! It’s not perfect, the sound isn’t great and the transitions are off, plus I definitely need to work on my lighting and my voice, but HEY. I’ll get there?

If I’ve hung out with you in the last few months, you probably know that I’ve become semi-addicted to YouTube videos…I’m not sure why, but I do know that I feel like I know some of the YouTubers I follow (which is ridiculous, I know…) because it is SO much easier to get to know someone via video rather than writing or photos. Do you know what I mean? Like if you can hear someone’s voice and picture them, you can just get a sense of their personality much better. So it was this idea, coupled with the fact that I want to be able to offer video services to my social media clients, that I decided to start vlogging. I had the MOST fun time making this and I honestly can’t wait to make more.

That being said, please oh please give me feedback, even if it’s a little negative (I have thick skin)! I want to get better, to make better content for YOU so if there’s something you’d want to see more or less of, or if you think this is a silly idea altogether, feel free to let me know. I appreciate your honesty! And if you want to see more, just hit the subscribe button on the bottom right under the video once you’re on YouTube’s actual website?

xo Jordan

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