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What’s For Dinner: Grain Bowls.

Today we’re talking dinner.

Almost every day I have a grain bowl for either lunch or dinner. I prep most of the ingredients over the weekend (and sometimes even the whole meal) so that it takes minimal effort and time when I’m at the point where I could eat my own hand – don’t tell me you’ve never been there…

You can pretty much make these with anything you have on hand/like to eat, but I usually use a base of quinoa and a topping of tahini, my new favorite flavor! I add beans for added protein, sometimes sweet potatoes for a little heft, onions and tomato for taste, kale for health, and avocado for texture. You could easily sub out the quinoa for brown rice, farro or any other healthy grain, and any of the veggies or legumes. If you’re feeling crazy, you can even top them with some feta or goat cheese to compliment the flavors, or fruit to sweeten them up! I won’t include a recipe in this post because you don’t need one – ingredients and amounts of each are completely up to you. That’s what makes these bowls perfect for a healthy, delicious and fulfilling meal 🙂

What are you favorite grain bowl combinations?

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