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Hitting the Reset Button.

Hello, hello!

Well, it turns out that being sick, going on vacation and then working double time to catch up leaves little room for blogging. And, truth be told, I haven’t been cooking any particularly intriguing recipes that are worth sharing with you all. The reason is because I wanted to take this week to hit the reset button on my health. First it was the holidays, and then it was the post-holiday, January cold that had me craving comfort food, but now it’s time to get back on track. For real this time.

I did a massive grocery haul the day I flew back from vacationing in Colorado and bought a ton of fresh vegetables and fruit, fix-ins for smoothies, quinoa to bulk up my salads, and plenty of protein to keep me going. I’m steering clear of buying anything in a box or bag, like cereal, crackers or pretzels, and processed foods are absolutely off limits. I know this sounds awfully strict, but for someone with zero willpower I know that it’s the only way! My drinks have been either water, tea or coffee and for dessert (not every day) has been stovetop popcorn. It’s my new favorite! And do yourself a favor – add parmesan. Total game changer.

My main rule is that the kitchen closes at 9pm. That means no late-night snacking, only drinking water and making sure my body has time to properly digest overnight. Added salt is at a minimum as well as sugar (stevia and honey only) and I’ve been relying on flavorful spices and foods to amp up my meals like olives, feta, naturally sweet bananas and unsweetened coconut. I’ve also sworn off energy and cereal bars for now and am choosing raw, unsalted nuts, whole fruit or carrots and hummus instead.

Finally, I’ve kicked up workout routine, doing no less than 45 minutes of cardio at least 5 days a week and toning routines every single day. Every day I try to switch it up, but doing my abs, arms, and butt routines while I watch tv definitely helps pass the time more quickly!

I’m planning out meals for this week so I’ll be back with a healthy recipe in a few days! Hope you all had wonderful weekends 🙂

xo jordan

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