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A Reflection on the Year Past & the Year to Come.

Hello friends & Happy New Year!!!!

Taking a couple weeks off from blogging was definitely a strange feeling, but I was so busy at home cooking and cleaning for the holidays and our company that when I did have a few minutes to rest, I just wanted to soak up my time with family. And don’t worry, I’ll be posting some of the yummiest recipes we made in the upcoming weeks for sure!

But today, I’m mostly here to share somewhat of a stream of consciousness as we enter the new year. I’ve had several friends say to me that they think New Year’s Eve is a really important and special holiday in the past few weeks. And, while I originally just smiled and passively agreed to agree, I honestly think I just forgot how meaningful it can really be.

I always tend to make resolutions that are broad and mostly thought-based, since those tend to stick and have the most impact. I don’t believe in making resolutions that cut things out (food, habits, etc.) and I don’t believe in resolutions that limit any other happiness through restriction. What I do believe in is making resolutions to improve one’s quality of life, whether that be taking up a hobby, traveling more, or trying new things.

So, this year I’m making a pact to be more open to new opportunities, to embrace change and go where the wind takes me, and to focus on the things that make me happy. I’ve made a list of concrete resolutions that in all honesty I probably will not revisit in 3 or 6 or 9 months, but they’ve made me think about the things I want to accomplish. And now you can hold me accountable 🙂

1. Experiment with new foods in the kitchen.

2. Try new workouts (pop pilates, pure barre, kickboxing, etc.)

3. Surf again.

4. Maintain a clean room without clutter.

5. Be more aware of what I’m putting in my body. Use the 80/20 rule.

6. Learn to make pasta/take a cooking class.

7. Go out more and try new places.

8. Get back on my bike.

9. Journal weekly.

10. Find something to be grateful for every single day.

11. Take more pictures.

So there you have it. In 12 months maybe I’ll check in on how I did with these, or you can call me out. I give you permission 🙂 I hope you all had the happiest new year and I’ll be back with some delicious recipes for your healthy resolutions soon!

xo Jordan

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