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Power Breakfast.

Have I ever told you that breakfast is my favorite meal of the day?

Nothing gets me out of bed quicker than the promise of a hot cup of coffee and something delicious. I’m also one of those people who is ravenous pretty much the minute they wake up. But! even if you aren’t, it’s important to have breakfast at some point because, ya know, it aids in weight loss and healthy choices throughout the day and all that jazz.

When I’m not drinking my carrot cake smoothie, I switch it up with some avocado toast (sorry for being basic). You can add an egg if you’re feeling adventurous and/or extra hungry. Usually alongside that aforementioned cup of coffee, I’ll drink some lemon water. Since we’re all about the added benefits on this blog, let me enlighten you about the wonder that is lemon water. It’s proven to reduce inflammation (perfect for post-workout sore muscles), aids in digestion, helps lose weight, cleanses your system, clears skin, boosts the immune system, fights viral infections, and even gives you energy. Yes, a lemon and some water, which will set you back about 10 cents by the way, does all of that magic. How is this possible?! Who knows, but let’s just trust and embrace. Bon Appetit!

Easy Avocado Toast

1-2 slices Ezekiel sprouted bread

1/2 avocado

1 egg (optional)

1. Place bread in toaster. While it’s toasting, take your avocado and mash it inside the shell with a fork.

2. Spread mashed avocado over toasted bread. Sprinkle with salt or cayenne & top with an over easy or medium egg, if desired.

P.S. I’m going to Austin, Texas for a few days so forgive me if I don’t post for a short while 🙂

xo Jordan

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