I really just need you to trust me on this one and scroll with an open mind.

Believe me when I tell you guys that I’ve been making this smoothie EVERY single day for a week…and the pictures are here to prove it? I know it sounds ~super~ weird to add zucchini to your smoothies, but here’s why I love it so dang much.
- you cannot taste it. at ALL.
- it adds a TON of volume so your smoothie will feel more satisfying
- the texture gets SO creamy without having to add any added sugar (ie. more frozen bananas)
- the texture gets SO creamy without having to add any extra fruit/sugar
- it’s cheap as heck and you don’t have to go crazy preparing it – just add in a big chunk completely raw and peeled (but unpeeled is fine!)
Eat it plain or top it with your favorites – I love something crunchy like cacao nibs, Magic Spoon Cereal (pictured at the top!), granola, my new favorite Nutsola, or even a mix of both (like down below!).

Here’s what’s in my morning “milkshake:”
1/3 large frozen banana
1 cup packed spinach
3 ice cubes
1/2 cup raw, peeled zucchini (pic below for reference!)
1/2 tsp spirulina
1 scoop chocolate protein powder (I love this one and this one!)
1/3 cup filtered water
1/2 cup coconut milk
1 tbsp chia seeds
It goes without saying that everything pretty much just goes into a blender until it’s creamy! Depending on the strength of your blender, you may need to add just a touch more of filtered water or coconut milk to move it along.

Let me know if you try it – now is a good time to experiment in the kitchen? Have a wonderful weekend, y’all!
xo Jordan