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A Morning Cup That Gives Back

This post is sponsored by my friends over at Laughing Man® Coffee, but all words and opinions are my own, as always.

If we were having coffee this morning, I would have quite a bit to catch you guys up on.

First of all, I’m now a few weeks into my new job and am LOVING it, which is a huge relief after the last one was a little less than inspiring. After heading to Wisconsin for my brother’s pre-wedding celebration last weekend, I’m heading home to New York next week for the real thing! And tomorrow is also my birthday, and I don’t know about you, but I freakin’ love my birthday.

I’m not much of a partier, so that aspect of it doesn’t matter so much to me, but I do take the entire month to just treat the crap outta myself…which may or may not be a good thing when I think about it? I guess I just figure that now is a good time to maybe re-vamp my life + wardrobe + habits before fall because even though it’s not a school year anymore for me, it still feels like a good beginning point, y’know?

With that being said, I’ve been visiting Target quiiiite a bit more than usual lately (again, for the ‘treating’ bit) and of COURSE I go for one thing and end up with 20? Aside from getting sidetracked by energy bars, all the JoyLab activewear, and some cute post-it notes for my new desk, I actually came out with what I went in for – Laughing Man® Coffee.

I’ve been drinking this stuff for a few weeks now because once I heard about how the Laughing Man Foundation invests in companies that help farmers and their families receive the healthcare and tools for success that they need, I figured why not use my purchasing power to do good?

Just to give you a sense of the incredible things they’re doing, the Laughing Man Foundation is partnering with Fair Trade USA to improve housing and the Higher Education Scholarship Program to provide 40 college scholarships so coffee growers and their families can have access to higher education and a better quality of life. Since a portion of every single purchase of Laughing Man® Coffee is donated in order to make these initiatives happen, that means that just by making a small shift in what I pick up on my Target run, I’m actually helping others. How awesome is that?!

Aside from the fact that choosing Laughing Man® Coffee is an easy way for my dollars to affect change, the coffee tastes delicious (I love the Columbia Huila variety, but Hugh’s Blend & Dukale’s Blend are amazing, too!). Oh, and did I mention was founded by Hugh Jackman? Freakin’ LOVE that guy. Did you see The Greatest Showman?! If not, you HAVE to!!!

Anyway, I’ve been making Laughing Man® Coffee in both my French Press (because the bf loves the press & how much coffee it makes) AND my Keurig with their K-Cup Pods, which are recyclable in the new packaging, by the way! I don’t know about you, but there’s something about using all that plastic everyday that makes me feel weird, but knowing I can recycle these pods makes me feel sooooo much better!! Do you guys use a traditional coffee maker or do you prefer making single-serving cups?!

Laughing Man® Coffee is available now at Target and! I highly suggest strolling through the coffee aisle next time you’re making your usual run and picking up a bag or two of this stuff. Also, be sure to look for Laughing Man® Coffee on the Target Cartwheel app! You’ll feel happy that you did because a) you’ll get your caffeine fix and b) you’re helping the Laughing Man Foundation give back to coffee farmers.

So let’s see – I think those might be all the updates I have to share with you. I’m hoping that all the August craziness doesn’t get overwhelming, but I can tell you that most mornings I’ve been waking up extra early to enjoy my Laughing Man® Coffee slowly while doing a bit of blogging work, and it sets the BEST tone for the rest of my day. With the new job, I do have slightly longer hours, but I’m going to try my hardest to make sure that doesn’t result in less blogging – after all, writing on here is pretty much my happy place and where I go to escape the madness.

If I don’t say it enough, I APPRECIATE YOU.

Thank you for reading, and let me know if you pick up some Laughing Man® Coffee on your next Target trip!! It’s right by all the other amazing snacks and coffee drinks, you know the aisle I’m talking about?

xo Jordan

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