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How To Squeeze in a Workout When You’re Insanely Busy.

How many times have we all used the excuse that we don’t have the time to workout?

Speaking for myself? SO MANY. And I can’t begin to tell you how much of a lie I know that really is, but I continue to do it anyway. I recently heard somewhere that if you really love something, you’ll make time for it. And while that goes for people, relationships, hobbies, careers, whatever, I think it should go for ourselves, too.

As a dancer, I’ve also always been someone who uses exercise as a way to express myself, let off some steam, or get a boost of endorphins, but with a full-time job it’s easy to turn into someone who wants to use the free time they have to spend with loved ones or just relax for a change. And, though this is totally valid, it’s easier than you think to squeeze in some exercise everyday without spending an hour at the gym lifting a bunch of weights and trotting away on the elliptical for 45 minutes. #overit

If you’ve been reading any of my previous posts, you know I’m super into audiobooks right now and even podcasts. I’ve been using them as a way to make working out slightly more entertaining and they honestly encourage me to get moving. The book I’m listening to right now I only listening to when I’m on a walk or at the gym. That means when I’m done with a book that takes 11 hours to listen to, I’ve worked out for ELEVEN hours. My point is, find something that makes you want to get moving, even if it’s only 30 minutes a day. You’ll feel better, I promise. Here are my 10 favorite ways to get moving when I’m short on energy, motivation and time:

1. Use your lunch break wisely (if you get one): I always do something active on my lunch break, even if that’s just a 30 minute walk around the neighborhood. When I’m up for it, I’ll run to the gym for a quick 35 minute cardio sesh. If I get there between noon and 1pm, I can even catch some of The Chew on TV. Am I 90 years old? I don’t know, I don’t know…

2. Keep a yoga mat and a set of dumbbells handy & visible: I always had a yoga mat, but hid it up in my closet. When I got the dumbbells, that really helped because I keep them both right next to my bed where I see them everyday. It’s a lot easier to do 30 bicep curls randomly while watching The Bachelor when you remember you have the equipment to do so and a constant reminder.

3. Go for walks: Back to point 1, walking. Is. AWESOME. If I’m not listening to an audiobook or music, I’m on the phone calling an old friend, my parents, or my grandma. On weekends, I love to take walks with my boyfriend just to take a break from vegging out or spending too much time on our phones/computers. Walk as much as you can, wherever you can. Yes, that means to the grocery store (your bag isn’t that heavy, trust), to dinner, to anywhere.

4. Reward yourself for meeting fitness goals: And try to make that reward not food-related. Personally, I have a pair of baby pink New Balance kicks in my J. Crew cart that I am not allowed to buy yet until I get back into a routine of working out 6 days a week. For you, that might be something different – a new pair of workout leggings, a dinner out, or a new beauty product. Whatever it is, work for it.

5. Take advantage of YouTube: If you didn’t catch my post on my favorite YouTube workout videos, or weren’t feeling anything I posted, take a minute to browse for some workouts you do want to do. There are SO many yoga, HIIT, toning, dance, and cardio workouts on the internet it’s actually insane. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother having a gym membership

6. Start with 30 minutes: Most of the time I tell myself that if I just do 30 minutes, then I’m doing okay. I used to spend (at a minimum) 60 minutes at the gym. That was back when I a) had more time and b) was an athlete for a living, but still. There’s no need to kill yourself, and an hour sounds really daunting. Start with 30 minutes and chances are, you’re going to be so in the zone you won’t be able to stop.

7. Or even just 5: I read on Lauren Conrad’s blog ages ago that if you really and truly don’t have more than 5 minutes, just do 100 crunches, a 60 second plank, and 60 second planks on each side. This way, you’ve done something.

8. Pick 5 different moves and do 50 reps of each: If I honestly can’t make it to the gym, I pick just 5 moves and do 42 reps of each. I got this idea from the Tone It Up girls and it’s pretty awesome. Switch it up everyday and pick moves work different muscles. I usually also do a mix of some that totally kick my butt and some that don’t require too much energy. Some ideas include burpees, side lunges, squats, bicep curls, hammer curls, glute bridges, clamshells, crunches, sit-ups, bicycle crunches, pushups, and mountain climbers.

9. Turn coffee dates into active dates (with coffee): One of my favorite things to do is get coffee with friends. I love coffee and I love my friends even more, but what’s even better than sitting at the coffee shop is going for a walk or hike with it. Most of the time you end up going for a much longer walk and spending more time with your friend than you would have in the first place.

10. Prioritize your health above all things: If a rest day is what you need, or a few more minutes of sleep, DO THAT. No one can tell you what is best for you and rest days are so important.

Hope you’re having a great week!! Be back soon with a recipe, scout’s honor 🙂

xo Jordan

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