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A Day in the Life.

Hello again!

I can’t tell if this week is going by quickly or slowly…is that just me? Anyway, I wanted to write a post that’s a bit more about me, since people tend to get confused about what I do and how I do it. That can happen when you’ve been a professional dancer who moved across the country, a hand model, business school student, and now full-time marketer! Things get a little crazy around here, but I like to be busy. My days are never exactly the same, but here’s one example for ya 🙂

6:57am: I’m up before my alarm again *insert eye-roll here,* so I do the usual phone-check and go through my Instagram and Facebook feeds, and respond to some work e-mails.

7:30am: Alarm actually goes off. I hurry up and get ready so that I can make myself a nice cup of coffee and finish prepping my food for the day. I usually do most of the prep the night before, but I’ll actually pack my lunch and snacks right before I head out for work.

8:50am: I get to the office and realize my coffee is all gone…it’s a sad moment. Luckily I still have my breakfast to dig into – today it’s overnight oats made with unsweetened vanilla almond milk, peanut butter powder, half a sliced banana, and chia seeds. I warm it up because it’s been chilly outside.

11am: I kid you not, I get hungry at 11am every single day without fail. Unless I’ve had a huuuge breakfast, like I do on the weekends sometimes, I’m in desperate need of a snack. I munch on a siggi’s yogurt with the other half of my banana.

12:40pm: I head out on a walk to the closest Starbucks – I’ve been using it to treat myself mid-day because I absolutely love the taste of coffee and will most definitely need some caffeine to make it all the way through this afternoon. Starbucks is only about 2/3 of a mile away, so I take the extra-long way back to the office so that I walk for about 40 minutes total, listening to my audiobook (Through Her Eyes, at the moment! It’s very Gone Girl-esque so I’m intrigued). I try to get some movement in during the day so that I’m not so sedentary for 9 straight hours!

1:30pm: I’m having a later lunch today because the latte I got from Starbucks and my snack helped to tide me over. I like to bring my lunch from home to save some money and calories. On today’s menu: leftover Golden Milk Quinoa with half an avocado, torn kale, cherry tomatoes, and roasted chickpeas. So darn delicious.

4pm: I’m heading to the gym after work, so I want a snack that’s going to fuel me for my workout. I eat an apple and one of Quest’s new Cereal Bars. They were giving them out at my 24 Hour Fitness and I’ve been dying to try them. It was pretty good! They’re lower in calories than most other bars but still have protein. I’m hoping to try the other flavors soon!

6pm: I get to the gym and do a quick 35 minute cardio sesh. I know I should probably stay longer, but I’m starving and want to see my boyfriend. We’re making dinner tonight! My workout consists of a mix of my new favorite machine, the stairmaster (Calorie Burn at level 7/9) and walking on the treadmill at an incline (Inc: 15, Speed: 4.1).

7:30: Before I jump in the shower, I throw chopped beets and carrots to roast in the oven at 400 degrees fahrenheit, throw the farro on the stove, and the boy has already taken care of the protein. He’s made jerk-chicken and herb chicken wings. Am I spoiled or what? 🙂

8:30: Dinner’s a bit on the late side tonight, but it was worth the wait. I honestly think that making dinner at home is just as good if not even better than going out. Plus you have leftovers for lunch the next day! Into a tupperware they go. We skip dessert tonight since we’re doing no-sweets-February (I know, it’s horrible).

9:30: I’m finally posted up on the couch for a solid hour of TV watching (generally VICE News these days). Since I’m trying to get a blog post up for the next day, I’m editing photos and working my writing with the TV on in the background.

10:45pm: I jump into to bed, shut the lights off and turn my white noise maker on. It takes me awhile to fall asleep sometimes, so I like to be in bed early enough in case this is one of those nights. See you in the morning!

xo Jordan

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