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Friday Musings.


The past 6 months have called for some major changes in my life, and I’m a much better (and happier!) person for it. As May arrives and my favorite season continues to be in full bloom, I thought I would share some of the things I’ve come to realize and am working on incorporating into my daily life.

Stop giving a crap about what other people think. But seriously.
I know this one is much easier said than done, but the truth is that once you stop comparing yourself to others and caring about how people view every little single thing you do or post or say or wear, you will feel so free. Do what makes you happy. If someone has something bad to say about it, it doesn’t concern you anyway.

Let people go.
If a person you once cared about decides to walk out of your life, they probably don’t belong their anyway. The most you can do is be kind and compassionate, but someone who doesn’t realize your worth is more than welcome to leave. Negativity is toxic, surrounding yourself with people who make you better will change your life.

Do nice things for other people.
Not only will it make them happy, but it will make you happy. There’s nothing better than making someone’s day with a compliment, a sweet gesture, or a fresh batch of cookies. Karma, people.

Stop and smell the flowers.
Life is hectic. As an entertainer, freelancer and business student, my days are always different and unpredictable. If I don’t take a moment to look around me and realize just how beautiful this city and this life are, I’m going to look back one day and wonder where the time went. I highly advise that you do the same. Buying yourself a bouquet of flowers for the kitchen table never hurts either 🙂

Have a great weekend, y’all!

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