Okay so this life update is a couple of weeks old and most of you probably already know by now, but…

I have a puppy!!!! And his name is Ovi and he’s the best boy ever? He’s almost 10 weeks old now and he’s a black bi Aussiedoodle!! He was actually the runt of the litter too, so hopefully he’ll be in the 27-32 pound range. I just need to be able to travel with him so I can take him home for holidays!
He’s seriously the sweetest, so smart and so full of life. He’s a snuggle bug and I love him so much. If you’re obsessed with dogs (like me), you can follow him on Instagram because I’m a crazy pup mom and made him his own? It’s @ovithefloof
Other than that, I’ve just been trying to get ahead on work since we go to Hawaii TOMORROW! We’re somewhat irresponsible dog parents leaving our baby so soon, but we didn’t know we were going to have him obviously. Thank goodness for sweet friends who are going to watch him while we’re away!

And now, onto Friday Finds before I head back out of town because this summer is non freakin’ stop…
Peach Caprese Salad with Toasted Garlic Naan – Well this sounds lovely? Peach caprese is one of my favorites in the summer time!
Good Morning Coffee Lover’s Smoothie – So many of my favorite flavors in here! I have a smoothie for breakfast almost every single day and this is a good way to get that caffeine fix without the extra mug??
Señorita Ab Routine – Maddie is one of my favorite YouTubers and I LOVE her workouts! She’s being doing workouts set to songs, which is fun since they go right with the beat of the music and only last a few minutes?
A Budget You Can Actually Stick To – THIS. I work on my budgeting almost every couple of weeks (just because the nature of my work is all over the place) and I love the way this article breaks it down in a tangible way!
Sustainable Cookware That’s Less Than $100 – I just learned last year how bad our pots and pans can be for us AND the environment. I’m actually due for new ones so I think I’ll pick from this list!
Have a great weekend!!
xo Jordan