Hello and Happy Friday!! I am VERY happy the weekend is here?

I know I sort of had a short week because of Texas, but the truth about having your own business is that you don’t actually get to take days off… which means that for the days you SLACK off, you end up just having to catch up HARD afterwards?
That being said, I know that being busy is a blessing, so I will stop complaining! Besides, I’m gearing up for a weekend of fun with friends and family, and I hope you are too, whether you’re celebrating Passover, Easter, or hey, just life in general!
Here’s what I’ve been reading this week…
18 Trader Joe’s Products Always in Our Freezers – Ugh, TJ’s for LIFE. I definitely haven’t tried some of these before so I know what I’ll be doing this afternoon…
Salted Citrus Bars – WHAT. EVEN. I actually used to not be a fan of citrus-y desserts but lately I’ve been all about lemon and orange flavored treats!
30 Minute Dance Workout with Aubre Winters – You guys Aubre is legit one of my favorite teachers in LA, PLUS she used to be a dancer. I’m low key freaking out that I can do one of her workouts at home now!
The Things You Should Invest in During Your 30’s – Maybe you’re in your 30’s (or almost like me!), maybe you’re not, but I still think advice like this is valuable! Plus Jacey is quite possibly the classiest woman alive, so that helps.
Here’s What You Need to Know About Arrowroot Powder – I admittedly bought a bag of this for gluten-free recipes but had no idea what it is…until now!?
How to Make a Healthy Dressing to Put on All the Things – Well this sounds AMAZING.
That’s all for today – time to get back to the to-do list!! Have a great one??
xo Jordan
Ugh coming back to real life after vacay is always the hardest ?