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How I’m Taking Control of My Health As A Woman This Month

This post is sponsored by Nurx, but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

As you already know from following along on here, women’s health (and health in general, of course!) is suuuuper important to me. I’m actually just going to go ahead and tell any of you fellas out there reading to maybe click away to something else, ‘cause this one’s for my ladies!

Something that’s been on my mind for months now as I prepared for entrepreneurship is health insurance. I’m not married, and I’m certainly not under 26 anymore, so being able to afford to take care of myself is somewhat daunting, but absolutely essential. Sure, there are some things we cannot control (helloooo genes), but the good news is that there are so many things we CAN control. Here are some of the simple, cost-effective ways I’m prioritizing my health this first month of 2019.

Having collagen every single day – I’ve been taking collagen for almost a year now, but I wasn’t diligent about taking it daily until a couple months ago. but I have been so much better about taking it every single day this month. I put it right by my coffee so that I remember to blend it in each morning! In case you’re not familiar with collagen, it can work wonders on the human body. I primarily take it for strong hair and nails, youthful looking skin, and gut health, but it can also help with joint pain as well as brain and heart health!

Eating more plant based – after reading a few articles about how women have a harder time digesting meat products than men, I’ve been making to eat more plant based wherever possible! That includes things as simple as swapping my meat proteins for fish, tofu or beans, and even used a plant-based protein powder in my smoothies instead of whey protein powder. *The collagen I mentioned above can either be animal based or plant-based – I try to take marine collagen whenever I can!

Taking the Nurx at-home HPV test – I know it’s not glamorous to talk about, but this month is Cervical Health Awareness Month. HPV is the most commonly transmitted STI and most men and women are infected with HPV at some point in their lives. As women, it is critical that we use the technology that is now available to us to check our health, because there are certain things like cervical cancer that men just don’t really have to worry about. If we catch them, or our risk of having them, early enough, we can help protect ourselves!

This is why when Nurx reached out to me, I kind of flipped out a little. Nurx is an at-home HPV test that you can do without scheduling an appointment at your gyno (idk about you but I am busy af these days and sometimes those places are booked months out!). It’s the same quality as a pap smear and it’s an affordable option to check your risk for cervical cancer. If you have insurance, Nurx is only $15, but even if you don’t, it’s just $69 (and one could argue the peace of mind that comes with these screenings is priceless!).

I also love how convenient this kit is for women who may not have access to traditional health care, whether they live far from a doctor’s office or just can’t afford the appointments. It’s pretty crazy too – there’s a stat that says nearly 25% of women without health insurance haven’t check their risk for cervical caner in the past 5 years. We have to change this! And I think a product like Nurx could even make a serious difference in third world countries or other areas where doctors aren’t as readily available to people.

To take the test at home, you just download the Nurx app or go to, answer a few questions and then you’ll receive the kit in the mail! You’ll swab yourself (the directions are super easy to follow and give all the detail you need!), then place everything in the pre-paid envelope which will then go right in the mail. Easy peasy!!

Tell me – how are you taking control of your health this month?!

xo Jordan

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