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What’s in My Purse: Summer Edition!

It’s humpday y’all and I’m comin’ atcha with something a little different today!

I’ve been wanting to weave in more lifestyle content in general on here (I hope that’s okay with you!) and I thought it would be fun to share a little bit about what’s in my bag on a daily basis. I feel like the items people carry around with them everywhere say quite a bit about who they are and what’s important to them, while also shedding a bit of light into their day to day!

So here’s what I’ve been keeping on hand at all times this summer…

Planner + Pencil – When I tell you that I write everything down in my planner, I mean I write everythingggggg. Everything! From my meals to my work tasks to plans with friends to blogging calendars, my planner keeps me sane. People ask me how I juggle so many different things and this is the answer! As for the pencil, things for me tend to change on the daily so being able to erase when I need to is so important! I also just love writing with pencil better, there’s something about it that I find soothing because I’m a weird who hates pens?

Reusable Water Bottle – You guys I am a water FIEND. But! Only when I have it on hand. I absolutely hate buying plastic water bottles (except for when I’m traveling) but I’m also thirsty, so I make sure before I leave the house that I have my water bottle. Between sitting in traffic here in LA and sitting at my desk, I actually find myself drinking a ton of water just out of boredom. No matter the reason though, I know it’s important to stay hydrated for soooo many reasons (better digestion, metabolism, clear skin, etc.) and knowing that I have water on hand at all times just makes doing so a lot easier!

Snacks – If you know me at all, you know I neverrrrr go anywhere without extra food. I’m one of those people that needs to know where/when there next meal is, so I like to carry around a bar or whole fruit or something so that I always have a healthy option no matter what. I just know myself and if I don’t have a snack with actual protein/fiber/etc., I’ll get hangry REAL quick. It’s also so much easier (and cheaper and healthier!) to have a stash in my purse rather than having to run out to a store to pick up something!

Dandy Bee Company Chapstick – So fun fact and possibly TMI about me, my lips are ALWAYS chapped. I know, it’s not cute, but it’s real. I recently tried the chapstick from Dandy Bee Company and have legitimately fallen in love with how this stuff feels on my lips. I also love that this company was founded by a mom who wanted to limit the amount of toxins around her children (we LOVE a woman-run business?) and uses only organic ingredients. I’m looking at the label right now you guys and I can pronounce every single thing on here (like avocado butter, stevia extract and shea butter).

In an effort to move towards more clean-beauty, I feel really good about carrying this in my bag! I’m actually doing a *giveaway* with them on Instagram today, so be sure to head to my post to enter! They were also generous enough to give me a coupon code for you guys so if you use ’10dancingbee’ to checkout at Amazon or through this link, you’ll get 10% off through July 24th!!!

Sunglasses – Can I tell you something outrageous? I used to like, not wear sunglasses. I thought they were annoying (which I sometimes still do) because I have a small head and they all slide down my nose when I’m sweaty. While this totally still happens, I’m like HOW the heck did I not wear sunglasses? Driving here in LA where it’s sunny 95% of the time, it is a must. Not to mention I’m overly concerned about wrinkles these days and scrunching up my face/squinting ain’t a good look.

Headphones – I talk about my daily “podcast walks” on both the blog and my Instagram quite a bit, and having headphones an absolute essential part of this obviously! I’ve forgotten my headphones on at least two occasions and I can tell you my walk was a loooot shorter. If you’d like to check out my favorite podcasts (I’m obsessed with them), head to this post.

Now I wanna know what’s in YOUR purse!! Tell me in the comments one thing you can’t live without having on hand?

xo Jordan


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