Monday Musings.

Oh hey, Monday! …and November?! What even.

I know I say this literally every month, or every week let’s be real, but it’s almost scary how quickly time has been passing this year. That being said though, I feel like I’ve been making an extra effort to be present in every moment and enjoy it. I don’t always have a ton of free time, but throughout October especially I wanted to do fun seasonal things with people I love so that I don’t look back and wonder what I was doing instead. And, most recently, that involved dressing up for Halloween and enjoying a glass of autumn sangria (recipe to come soon!)…

Dancing for Donuts | Monday Musings.

Fully aware I kind of look like Marilyn Monroe, but I assure you I was Sandy from Grease. An overdone costume for sure, but I honestly just wanted to be blonde for a day. Plus it couldn’t have been that bad of a choice since Gigi Hadid dressed up like the same exact thing…she just had someone doing her hair and makeup, but like whatever… (:

I actually had off the day before Halloween too, and spent the day at The Broad museum in downtown LA. If you haven’t been, I highly highly suggest it. I spent a whopping 3 hours there, which, if you know me, is an ungodly amount of time for me to spend in a museum. Aside from a quick coffee break in the middle though, I can honestly say it was awesome. And FREE. I still can’t believe that. Dancing for Donuts | Monday Musings.

Dancing for Donuts | Monday Musings.

And, since the weather has been so much nicer these days, I’ve been trying to get outside more for my workouts. I visited an old favorite hiking spot last week and it felt so good to get to the top of the mountain and look out on my city. I know I hate on it a lot, but I really do love it… *wipes tear*

Dancing for Donuts | Monday Musings.

I’ve been a couple weeks behind on my Friday Finds posts, so here are some links I’ve been stashing away for you guys! They are mostly fall-related, of course 🙂

How to Make Buttermilk from Plain Milk w/Lemon Juice or Vinegar – perfect for holiday baking!

7 Very Easy Ways to Eat Healthier This Week – some good ideas in here.

5 Spices All 20-Somethings Should Keep in their Kitchens – spices are such an easy, healthy way to make food taste better you guys.

Brunch Hacks that Will Save you Time & Money – for your next brunch party or holiday company!

10 Foods to Keep in your Freezer for a Quick Meal – okay life changing.

How to Make Whipped Cream in a Mason Jar – MIND. BLOWN.

Time-Saving Sunday Night Food Prep Hacks – because we all now what an advocate I am of food prep!

How to Make Homemade Cinnamon Raisin Bagels – putting this on my winter bucket list stat.

Alright, that’s all the excitement I have for you today, but I’ll be back very soon with a recipe! 🙂

xo Jordan

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