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Monday Moves.

Gooooooood morning!

After a weekend of school work, and definitely some play, I don’t know how ready I am that it’s Monday again, but alas I have no choice.

I’ve been meaning to check in with you all about my workouts these days, because as much as I am a woman of routine, I’ve been switching it up quite a bit. I try to not do the same cardio combination every single day (like I used to) and have recently branched out into the stairmaster… *GASP*

I’ve been doing 10 minutes of the “calorie burner” after other cardio and it’s been kicking. my. booty.

I’ve also been trying out circuit workouts about once a week when I’m in need of a change. I’ll do 10 minutes of cardio on the elliptical or treadmill and then do circuits three times for a total of 30 minutes (with water breaks).

These are SO great for working different muscles than usual, I can’t tell you how sore I was after the first couple of times I did these.

Also, my new crunches song is Hailee Steinfeld’s new single “Love Myself.” I’m trying so hard to not overplay it buts it’s reallyyyyyy hard. In any case, this song has the perfect tempo for an ab workout. I just do different ab exercises for the whole song and I’m good to go!

Have a great Monday, y’all 🙂

xo Jordan

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