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Monday Motivation & Inspiration.

Hi! I hope everyone had a wonderful July 4th weekend 🙂

I wanted to take a break from posting a recipe today, mostly because I’m sure everyone is struggling with going back to reality after a holiday, and I know I could use a little inspiration myself.

Sometimes I think the hardest part of living a healthy lifestyle is having a healthy mind.  It’s easy to schedule workouts and buy vegetables, but the challenge is really staying positive when things don’t go your way, or the universe throws things at you that don’t fit with your plans.

One of my favorite ways to ward off negativity, besides doing some kick-my-ass cardio of course, is focusing on my bigger goals. I know that if I keep working hard towards the things that matter to me, nothing can stand in my way. Totally aware of how cheesy that sounds, but I swear that if you refuse to give up, some amazing things can and will happen.

And, no matter how shitty things may seem, everything absolutely happens for a reason. If something or someone is threatening to steal your positivity, take it back. Everything works itself out in the end, and taking things day by day will make you realize that it does get better.

Surround yourself with things that make you happy. Getting outside is a guaranteed way to boost your mood, it’s been scientifically proven! Plus, you’ll get some Vitamin D, which is an added, but necessary, bonus.

Last but not least, don’t forget to treat yourself. There’s nothing out there a scoop of ice cream or chocolate chip cookie can’t fix 😉

Be back soon!

xo Jord

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