Gluten Free Muesli Banana Bread

I finally made my first banana bread of quarantine and let me tell you, it was a WINNER.

Gluten Free Muesli Banana Bread | Dancing for Donuts

This was one of those recipes where I totally didn’t know what to expect, but I can tell you I didn’t expect it to be *this* good. And I’m only being so unbelievably un-humble because Alex kept saying “YUM. WOW.” and that’s probably the best compliment I could ever receive from him! Haha

This banana bread is gluten-free with a base of almond flour, coconut flour and muesli. It has zero refined sugar and is sweetened with maple syrup, monk fruit (although you can use whatever dry sweetener you’d like!) and ripe bananas. It’s gooey, flavorful, soft on the inside and slightly crunchy on the outside, and was also completely devoured in 24 hours. Whoops! No regrets, y’all.

You can use any muesli you’d like, but I used one from Public Goods, which is an online website where you can order basics at super reasonable prices because it’s not private label! You can use DANCINGFORDONUTSPGA for 15% off, if you’d like 🙂

Gluten Free Muesli Banana Bread | Dancing for Donuts


3 ripe bananas

1/3 cup melted & cooled coconut oil

1/3 cup monk fruit

3 tbsp maple syrup

1 egg (or flax egg with 1 tbsp ground flax + 2.5 tbsp water)

1/2 tsp vanilla

scant 1 cup almond flour

2 tbsp coconut flour

3/4 cup Public Goods Almond & Date Muesli

2 1/2 tsp baking powder

pinch of salt

For the crumble: 1/3 cup museli, 1 tbsp melted coconut oil, 1 tbsp almond flour, 1 tbsp monk fruit

  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees fahrenheit and line a loaf pan with parchment and/or spray with coconut oil
  2. In a large bowl, mash the bananas and whisk in the melted coconut oil, egg, sweetener, maple syrup and vanilla
  3. In a small bowl, stir to combine the flours, baking powder and salt, then fold the wet into the dry ingredients in the big bowl
  4. Pour into the loaf pan, then make your crumble by smushing those ingredients together to form a crumbly topping. evenly spread it over the batter
  5. Bake for 50 minutes to one hour (until it starts to turn golden brown, then let cool for at least 15 minutes before slicing
Gluten Free Muesli Banana Bread | Dancing for Donuts

Honestly writing this and looking at these pictures again makes me devastated that the loaf is gone, so I might have to make another today…

Hope you’re all having a great week so far, be back again soon!!

xo Jordan


  1. A StepFull of You
    July 28, 2020 / 10:30 pm

    Alex is so lucky to get to try all your baked goods! We need to bake together one day!

    • dancing for donuts
      July 31, 2020 / 3:06 am

      awww you KNOW that is my dream!! and i would give anything to be your taste tester!

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