Oh hey there!! It’s been a ~hot~ minute, hasn’t it?!

I have to say, this year has been my most MIA year on here in a veryyyy long time (I’ve had a blog for a DECADE, can you believe it?! Post on that coming soon…). To be honest, I’m a little bummed about it – I love writing and showing up on here so much, but other parts of my life have just taken priority as I try to navigate 1) growing my business 2) keeping up a presence on the now essential and very overwhelming TikToks and Reels, and 3) coming out of pandemic life as I am now vaxxed! YAY SCIENCE.

I am so very grateful my business is thriving, but learning how to practice work/life balance and make time for hobbies has never been my strong suit. That being said, I do have so much I want to continue sharing on here, and recipes have been in the works, so please stay tuned 🙂
Other than that, Ovi turned two and we’ve been busy wedding planning! We took our engagement photos last weekend with my friend Marika! They turned out better than I ever could’ve imagined and I’ll be ordering some to blow up for apartment and frame this weekend for sure.

We’ve also been spending a lot of time outdoors (the BEST) and taking more advantage of living close to the beach. We take Ovi for morning walks at least once a week now, and hike at least once a week, too! I definitely feel like the pandemic made me more appreciative of outdoor activities, and also the impact it has on my mental health. I even sit out on our egg chair on our patio every chance I get!
As for a personal life update, my parents sold our childhood home, so I’ll be heading back to New York to say goodbye to it next week. If any of you have done this already, please send tips! I’m trying my best to mentally prepare, but I know I’ll be super sad. I think the weirdest part will not be going to NY as often – it’s always been my home and I’ll miss all of my favorite local spots, going to the city, and seeing my childhood friends. Alas, I suppose this is just growing up!!!

Anyhoo, I hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend filled with lots of relaxing moments and delicious food!! I’ll leave you with just a touch of light reading…
The Best Frozen Breakfasts Nutritionists Recommend – I’m a die hard green smoothie gal, but honestly sometimes convenience just wins out! I really want to try some of these.
Crispy GF/Vegan Graham Crackers – I looooove graham crackers!! And all of her recipes. Must try!
The Power of Body Neutrality – This is a concept has truly changed the game for me. Body love can feel really hard and unattainable most days, but neutrality? That I can do!
Spicy Cantaloupe Jam – Veryyyy intrigued by this! I can’t handle much spice, but I may attempt a mild version.
11 New Thrillers to Read This Summer – because who doesn’t want to read an endless stream of crime on the beach?! I can’t stop with these, I think I may have a problem…haha
Easy Strawberry Blueberry Browned Butter Crumble – The ideaaaal summer treat!!
xo Jordan