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Why I Ordered From a Meal Delivery Service During My Busiest Work Week of My Year

Hey guys!! I’m back in business after one crazy work week!

In case you aren’t in the food world, last week was Natural Products Expo (or Expo West) here in SoCal from Wednesday to Saturday! Expo West is basically the biggest food trade show in the country and it connects thousands of food brands with hundreds of thousands of people. This was my first year attending and I not only went for myself as a blogger/social media consultant, but also to help one of my clients at her booth.

I ended driving back and forth each day from LA to the show in Anaheim (which I wouldn’t necessarily recommend to anyone working the show now that I look back on it?). It was a ton of sititng in the car, mixed with standing, talking, eating, and walking, and I can’t tell you how exhausted I was after just the first day, let alone the third!

More importantly though, I really didn’t have time to cook, which is actually SUPER important because Expo is essentially just thousands of snacks consumed in a very short time period? It’s for this reason that I decided to spring for Territory Foods last week, my favorite meal delivery service! If you guys remember, I ordered from them once before over the summer after coming back from a vacation.

Sometimes it can seem like meal delivery services are expensive, and they are pricier than cooking at home, but sometimes convenience just has to win! I really did not want to sacrifice my health any more than I had to last week, so being able to just open the fridge and have clean meals ready for me in the morning and at night was KEY. And when it comes down to it, it really is cheaper than ordering in/out!

The process is insanely easy with Territory Foods. I know there are a ton of meal delivery services out there, but here’s why I love Territory in particular:

I remember being blown away by Territory’s meals last year, but for some reason they seemed even more delicious this time around! Some of my favorite meals were:

So all in all, I have to just give a quick shoutout to Territory Foods for pretty much saving my life and my stomach last week! Starting my day off with a solid breakfast (sometimes eaten in the car or behind the booth I worked at?) and ending it with a nutritious meal after hours of snacking was all I could ask for! And if you guys have never tried a meal delivery service before, I’d highly recommend Territory over anything else – it’s so beyond worth it!

Hope you all are having a great week so far and thanks for reading!!

xo Jordan

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