Exactly three years ago, I left the corporate world to start my own social media consulting business and become a full time entrepreneur!

Sometimes I feel like I’ve been doing this my whole life, and other days I feel like I just made leap a month ago…I’m still learning so much, adjusting my offerings as I go, and ultimately figuring out what the heck it is that I’m doing! I can’t lie, it’s tough trying to stay motivated but still maintain some semblance of work/life balance and I don’t have the answers, but I do have a few things I want to share with you today in case you’re someone looking to make the leap too, or can relate as someone also in this space!
But before I get into the nitty gritty and keep it ~extra~ real with y’all, let me just preface this by saying that I could not be more grateful for this life I’m living!! Every single day is different, every single month is different honestly, and it keeps life interesting. I don’t actually know if I’ll be an entrepreneur forever, but these past few years have shaped me into the person I want to be, I’ve met and worked with some truly incredible women, and have had opportunities I never would have dreamed of! This past year I even hit a financial goal of mine and a couple of milestones, so on the days that feel harder, I try to remind myself of how far I’ve come, even if it doesn’t always feel like it 🙂
Alright, now let’s hop into the good stuff so I can actually provide some value to you!!

I think the most common question I get asked is how I get my clients and I’ll be the first to say I’ve gotten really lucky. I’ve gotten every single one of them through connections, whether it’s been someone I worked with 5 years ago, a current client, a friend from my dancing days or business school, or even someone I met in the blogging space. I’ve never had to cold pitch anyone and that’s because every single person I’ve met since I moved out here I’ve treated well. Even when I have to leave a client, or work with someone on a one-off Instagram project, I’m always kind and don’t burn bridges. One of my current clients actually came from “influencer” work I did in 2020…it’s crazy how the universe works!
The hardest thing I’ve had to learn is how to talk about money and how to ask for money. A friend told me that she raises her rates every single new client she brings in and another told me she raises her rates yearly, so take this as a sign to do both of those things, because I only just started! Don’t diminish your abilities and take less because you “need the work” – I promise that if someone isn’t willing to pay you, they’re not the client/partner/etc. My dad tells me that charging higher is also reflection of the quality of work you provide, and I fully believe that!
Entrepreneurship is the biggest rollercoaster I’ve ever ridden. Period. Some days I’m on such a high and feeling super confident, and then the next day I’ll question every single thing I’m doing. It just comes with the territory! You’re going to have ups and downs, mentally, figuratively and literally, so it’s important to just trust your journey, believe in yourself, and do everything you can to make yourself feel happy! Full transparency: I’ve been doubting myself more lately than ever, so my plan is to take a step back, figure out what it is that I really love doing, and chase that. I want to re-do my website, too – it’s little steps like that that help us feel like we’re progressing!

This has been incredibly key for me because entrepreneurship, like I mentioned, is an absolute rollercoaster. To protect yourself, and not feel stressed about your income 24/7, make sure you have different ways to make money! In freelance, entrepreneurship or contracted work (including Instagram stuff!), you often don’t get paid right away, so knowing you have money coming in regularly is key. For me personally, I have about 4-6 social clients at any given time, 4-6 Instagram sponsorships per month, one-off social media coaching projects, random modeling or babysitting gigs, and investments.
Please do not try to do your taxes on your own, at least if you’re like me and have a lot of different projects/W-9’s going on! They’ll help you get as much back as possible (from write-offs, aka the best part of being on your own!) and keep you on track for quarterly taxes (if you’re an LLC). In terms of setting money aside, know that it may hurt at first when you realize how much you owe since the money isn’t taken out with each paycheck like at a corporate job! I personally opened a business bank account and just put a percentage of my income in there so that I know I have it when it’s due.
I hired an employee back in my second year of business and another paid intern this past year when things felt too overwhelming for me, and it’s some of the best money I’ve spent. One of them is a friend I met through the social media space and another was a referral from a friend, but no matter how you find your people, just make sure you can trust them and then let them do their thing! Having a team is meant to make your life easier and after the initial training period, it’s so beyond worth it.
It’s way too easy to fall into the trap of feeling like you’re never doing enough, especially if your career involves any aspect of social media, because the truth is that a lot of times when we’re not working, we’re not making money. But that’s a recipe for burnout, period. I promise you, if you give yourself time to reset, you’ll come back even stronger and ultimately help yourself out in the long run. Even if you can’t take a full day, at least try to give yourself a few hours each week for just YOU and to live your life. I do this on Saturdays – I take almost the entire day to be present and enjoy, and I’ll just do a quick check-in when I need to.

If you’re a fellow entrepreneur, I’d love to hear some of your biggest lessons, and also feel free to share some of your accomplishments, too! It’s so important that we not only lift each other up (I promise it helps, entrepreneurship can be lonely at times), but also celebrate ourselves, too!
Thank you, so much, for being here and supporting me – I wouldn’t been where I am in my career today without you and this creative outlet!
xo Jordan