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5 Easy Things I Do Every Morning for Better Health

Do you have a morning routine?

I wouldn’t say I really do, aside from making sure to let my dog out, check my phone and make my coffee, but there are a few things I love to do every single day that make me feel better both mentally and physically!

I like to preach that health is a lifestyle, it’s not all or nothing, a diet or cleanse, but there are always easy changes we can make to be at our best. I honestly look forward to most of these things and try to do them whether I’m traveling or at home! They give me energy, bring me joy and help get me organized (a feeling I thrive off of!). Some might even say they’re a bit of self-care?

I start the day with things that inspire me. I always, always make coffee first thing and take time to read my favorite blogs, check out Pinterest, or watch my favorite YouTube channels. While I do love to hop on Instagram at some point, sometimes it can overwhelming and set my day off on a hectic note. The comparison trap is real?

I drink water. A lot of it. I can’t tell you how many articles I’ve read about people starting their day off with warm lemon water, but the one thing that gets me excited to start my day is coffee…so sue me?? But! What I’ll do is make my coffee and have that, but sip water on the side – at least large glasses before 9am! I’m always thirsty anyway (LA is *dry*), so it’s not like it’s hard, but I also think it just gets your body in gear for day.

I make a smoothie packed with the goods. You guys I swear by these – a smoothie is hands down the easiest way to get a load of nutrients that also taste like dessert. I try to keep the amount of fruit to 1/2 cup or less and pro tip: frozen bananas make smoothies extra creamy! I also like to add in spinach, a mix of almond mix and water, protein powder, and the Probiogen Smoothie Booster with probiotics and the equivalent of an entire multivitamin. It contains 20 vitamins and minerals plus probiotics for digestive health – which I think we could all use help with!

I take a probiotic. Lucky for me, the Probiogen Smoothie Booster already has probiotics in it, but if I don’t have a smoothie for some reason, or am traveling (which I have been a LOT), it’s much easier to just take capsules. I won’t travel anywhere without them and when I’m home, I just keep them right next to the coffee maker so I’m always reminded to take them!

Probiogen has two different kinds of probiotics that I LOVE: their Stress & Mood Balance Probiotic and Women’s Vitality Probiotic that both use Smart Spore Technology, which helps the probiotics survive 100x better (yes, they do die!). Right now, I’m mostly taking the Women’s Vitality since it also contains Cranberry and DDS-1 that aid urinary and bacterial health.

I plan out my day and prioritize deliverables. This is my last step before sitting down to really start the work day and it does wonders! I swear by a planner and written out list of to-do’s, and start with the ones that are due first. Some people like to use Google Calendar or different apps, but I love manually checking off what I’ve accomplished! Such a Virgo over here?

And that pretty sums up my mornings! And if for some reason I forget to take my probiotics first thing, I just try to take them at some point in the day. I think one of the reasons I love Probiogen so much is because having that powder to put in my smoothies makes all of that nutrition so much easier to remember since it’s all in one! You can find their products on their website, as well as at retailers like GNC and Bed, Bath & Beyond.

What about you, do you take a probiotic?

xo Jordan

This post is sponsored by Probiogen, but all images & opinions are my own.

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