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Poolside Snackin’ with My/Mochi Ice Cream

This post is sponsored by My/Mo Mochi Ice Cream but the content and opinions expressed here are my own!

Happy Tuesday, friends! I just landed back in LA from a weekend in DC for a wedding and ooooohhh baby was it HOT. We were planning on spending Sunday out and about and we actually just ended up hanging out poolside all day with my boyfriend’s friends and family!

Whether I’m at the beach or the pool, I alwaysss like to bring snacks. I mean, let’s be real, I always like to bring snacks no matter where I am? And though I try to bring foods that will fill me up (like protein & fiber-filled fruit/veggies/bars), summer to me basically means ICE CREAM. Life is about balance, right you guys?

Mochi is one of my favorite ways to eat ice cream (it’s contained when it starts to melt, I don’t need a spoon, it’s pre-portioned, etc.) and My/Mochi Ice Cream is easily my go-to brand. They have 7 different flavors and judging from how insanely creamy and delicious the Sweet Mango and Mint Chip My/Mochi Ice Cream flavors were, I can only imagine what the others are like (I’m lookin’ at you, Salted Caramel & Strawberry).

If you’ve never had mochi before, it can be kind of hard to describe, but I’ll do my best and tell you that it’s like sinking your teeth into a magical ice cream pillow. For serious. I grabbed my boxes of My/Mochi Ice Cream at Safeway, but you can find them all over (just double check their Store Locator first!).

Aside from the convenience and ridiculously tasty flavors, My/Mochi Ice Cream is only 110 calories per serving, which makes it the perfect little sweet snack when you’re schvitzing through summer. They’re also kind of just, fun? I don’t know if that makes sense, but I personally think food is more enjoyable to eat when it offers some kind of experience, y’know what I mean?

So yeah, my ideal poolside summer essentials list would probably contain the following:

some SPF for my face/body

a v large water bottle

My/Mochi Ice Cream

a good book

cute sunnies

good company

And there ya have it my friends! If you haven’t tried mochi before, or even if you have, I highly recommend trying My/Mochi Ice Cream because I promise you will fall in love. I can’t wait to try the other flavors – which one would you try first?!

xo Jordan


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