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DFD Babe Feature: Teresa Pulver

Welcome back to another DFD Babe Feature where I introduce you to one of the many incredible women I know and love!

This week I’m bringing to you my good friend Teresa Pulver of Journey On, Lovely – a travel and fashion lifestyle brand that uses biodegradable fabrics and gives back to orphan homes around the world. I had the pleasure of modeling for her first collection, Lovely in Bali, where I first fell in love with her gorgeous designs, but knowing just how incredible she is as a woman, friend and business owner makes me love it even more.

I’ve been so, so inspired by her drive, passion and persistence and I know you will be, too! Keep reading if you want to hear how she took the leap to make it happen 🙂

Tell us a little bit about Journey On, Lovely! When did you start it and why?

I started Journey On, Lovely in October of 2017 while living in Bali with my boyfriend. After many years of being an Executive Assistant and Project Manager in Los Angeles, I felt I was no longer growing in these roles and I had lost all passion for my work. After hitting 30, I realized, I could either live my life playing it safe and never being truly fulfilled by my work or I could take a risk and pursue work that made me excited to get up in the morning. And I see now, it’s these struggles, challenges, and leaps in life that build character. The entrepreneur path is very creative and uncertain, and that’s where I thrive!

My boyfriend and I decided to take the leap and launch companies together and it was during our time in Bali when I felt a door open for me. The culture is vibrant, colorful and so community focused, and the fashion and art is very inspiring. I serendipitously met a very kind, loving and hardworking Indonesian family who happened to manufacture clothing. I decided to work together with them on creating, Journey On Lovely’s first collection, Lovely In Bali.

Because it was very important for me to start a company that had a deeper meaning, I asked around to see what social and environmental issue I could help alleviate with this new business idea. After meeting an Australian swimwear designer whose proceeds all went back to a non-profit called the Bali Street Mums, I realized I needed to use this new fashion line as a medium to help raise funds to support this incredible non-profit and similar ones around the world. I quickly called up one of my best friends who lives in LA, and is half Balinese, and she absolutely loved the idea. She jumped on board immediately and together we launched Journey On, Lovely.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given in regards to being an entrepreneur?

I LOVE podcasts and Ted Talks. I source a lot of my advice from them, especially one of my favorite podcasts called “How I Built This” by Guy Ross. After months of listening to many successful entrepreneurs tell their story of how they launched their businesses, I noticed a pattern: many did not have an MBA, an Ivy League education, or even experience in their field. They refused to be limited by other’s expectations of them and how they should live their life and instead, took risks and leaps in life that were authentic to them. Many of these entrepreneurs had no idea what they were doing, but they simply figured it out along the way.

So the best piece of advice I’ve ever been given is that starting a business is 20% talent, and 80% psychological. If you believe you can, and you break through your mental limitations, you can achieve anything. If you believe you can and you have enough hunger, passion and grit to make it happen, you can achieve any of your wildest dreams. 

What are three personality traits you think are key to being a successful business owner?

The hunger to learn, a passion for serving others and creating value, and grit.

What’s your favorite part of running a business?

I am engaged in my work, every single day. I used to disconnect from my work while doing accounting for others, managing their careers and projects. Now that I’m managing my own projects, doing my own accounting, and creating beautiful art people get to wear, I am the most engaged I’ve ever been in my work.

And what’s your least favorite part?

The long hours

What advice can you give to others looking to start pursuing their passions?

Start now. You will never be fully “ready” for most things in life. You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great. Also, if you haven’t already, start surrounding yourself with the best team/friends/network possible. Going after your dreams can be a very vulnerable place for some. It’s important to surround yourself with supportive, encouraging, positive and uplifting people. Sometimes this can make the biggest difference.

How do you prioritize time for yourself when you’re super busy with your business? Do you have any de-stressing techniques or self-care routines you can share?

Yes, it’s all about how I start and end my day. I wake up very early, and start my day with a 10min meditation with the Headspace app, my favorite. I then go on a run or do some yoga. While eating a nutritious breakfast (typically a power smoothie made with greens and fruit), I go through emails, texts, etc. I make sure to take care of myself and my needs first before I get pulled in many directions throughout the work day. I find this gives me the strength to show up and give my best self to others and my projects. Throughout the day I take little breaks to do a quick yoga stretch or take a quick walk to run errands (sitting at a desk all day is very difficult and painful for my body). And I make sure to carve out time for my loved ones. I end the work day usually around 9-10pm. To turn my mind off from work, I meditate 10min before going to sleep.

What are you excited for in the second half of 2018 and beyond?

To continue to build, create, and serve others.

So there ya have it, one of the MOST gorgeous, talented, kind women I know just kickin’ a$$ and takin’ names. Don’t forget to check out her beautiful designs at Journey On, Lovely and if you’d like 10% off, just use the code ‘jordanlovely10’ at checkout!

You can also find Teresa on Instagram here.

Thanks for reading and have a great rest of your week!!!

xo Jordan

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