Friday Finds.

So. Close. To Christmas! Another Friday is here, and thank goodness for that. I’ll be presenting my master’s thesis tomorrow morning and then it’s home free! Well, basically. I’ve been trying to keep a balance…

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Friday Finds + Favorites.

Well, we made it. It’s the weekend before Thanksgiving and I literally could not be happier! The auto show this week was absolute chaos and my thesis is winding down to a finished product *thank…

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Friday Finds.

Hello & Happy Friday! Today is really my Saturday since I work all day tomorrow, so I had plenty of time to find you guys some awesome links this morning. If you’re in need of…

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Friday Finds.

Oh goodness, this week went by way too quickly and now we’re heading into the LAST weekend of August. Ugh. I do have to say that this week made my heart so happy. I had…

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Friday Finds.

Did this week go by way too quickly, or is it just me? I think I may be in denial that summer is ending soon… The weather finally cooled down here for a few days,…

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