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My Word for 2020 (+ Intentions/Goals for January!)

Happy, happy New Year!!! ?

There’s something about going into a new *DECADE* along with experiencing my 30’s that just kind of blows my mind in a really wonderful, really overwhelming way.

I don’t usually sit down and really write out a bunch of intentions and goals, but this year feels different. It feels important. And I really want to make it the best it possibly can be since I know I’m on the right path, I just need to get organized…and this blog post seems like the perfect place to start?

I’ve decided that my word for 2020 is:


2019 was the year I took a leap of faith and went full time with my consulting business. It was my first time not having a corporate job since my dancing days, a time when my blog/Instagram were really taking off and turning into a side hustle (in addition to a passion project) and the year I became a dog mom (!). I feel like it was the year I planted the seeds for my future, and now it’s time to grow.

I have a feeling this year is going to be hard. Like really hard. The beginner’s luck and honeymoon phase of being an entrepreneur might wear off (it hasn’t yet, and I sure hope it doesn’t, but it might…), I have long-term goals in mind that I need to get in gear in order to accomplish (like buying a home someday), and I want to work smarter because as of now, every day is awesome, but chaotic af.

It’s time to really expand the way I think, operate, work, and navigate the day to day. I need to hunker down and FOCUS (another great word) and make moves. I’m excited.

In terms of other intentions and goals for January, I really want to:

  1. Re-design my blog since it’s been YEARS, you guys. years. ?
  2. Follow a real fitness plan, which I now have thanks to the trainer/PT I worked with in New York last month!
  3. Finish setting up my home office and desk space
  4. Make one new recipe a week (my creativity in the kitchen has been minimal lately)
  5. Visit 2 new-to-me workout studios (which I can totally do thanks to ClassPass who’s actually offering a whole month free to new customers – NUTS.)
  6. Read 2 books
  7. Make one YouTube video per week, which I was surprisingly good at last month!
  8. Be more consistent about blogging since I’ve kind of lost it the past few months. I want to find my creative spark again.

What’s your word for 2020? Or maybe you’re more of an intentions/goals kinda person – share them with me below so we can keep each other accountable?

And Happy 2020!!!

xo Jordan

p.s. all photos are by my incredibly talented friend Jess Rochow!

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