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Celebrating Two Years as an Entrepreneur! (and Lessons From Along the Way)

It feels like I was writing my one year anniversary reflections post not too long ago, I can’t believe it’s already been another trip around the sun!

I think it’s super important to celebrate small wins, so here I am…tooting my own horn for just a day! If I’m being honest, this past year had me doubting myself a LOT, and was absolutely harder than the first. I think part of that is due to COVID and all the changes that came with it, but also because this was the year I really hunkered down, got focused, and actually grew my business. Despite all the challenges, I can tell you with my whole heart that it’s been SO worth it.

I’m incredibly grateful that I get to run my own social media consulting business for a living, and I’m so happy to be celebrating another successful year! Here are the biggest lessons I’ve learned in the process…

Burnout is real. In a field like social media, it’s easy to work 24/7 because it literally does not sleep. Even when we took our 2-week vacation to Southeast Asia last year I was checking email and doing a few things…which is fine, but absolutely something I know is not sustainable. To help keep myself in check, I’ve been making sure to take regular breaks throughout my days, one (almost) full day off each weekend, and unplugging by 9pm.

Remember your why and hold it close to your heart. There were so many times this year I though, why do I even do this to myself? Would it be easier to just have a full time job? But then I remember why I started this in the first place. It allowed me to choose who I worked with (I swear I have the best clients), be more in control of what I was working on in general, and have a flexible schedule so I could still pursue blogging and my other passions!

Network. I’m going to say something crazy for a second, and I recognize how lucky I am, but I’ve never had to reach out to a potential client before. The inquiries I’ve received and people I’ve worked with have literally all come from relationships – former coworkers, friends of friends, friends of clients, friends of their friends. Word of mouth marketing is still real, and if you can form friendships with other entrepreneurs, join groups, attend events and just talk to people, you’ll put yourself in a really wonderful position to grow your business!

Ask for help. Last year I brought on an assistant and it helped me immensely. Even just by taking a few hours off my plate each week, I was able to focus more on other aspects of my business that I not only was better at, but also wanted to improve upon. After having a slight mental breakdown last week, I’m 100% positive I’m going to be bringing on another team member this year to help me and I’m super pumped!

It’s always going to be a rollercoaster. And I’m okay with that. I think if you’re going to work for yourself, you have to be! It’s part of the beauty of it – every day is different and things are thrown your way that you’ll have no choice but to handle. The highs are high and the lows are low, but as long as you’re learning, that’s all that matters.

Find a support system. These are the people that are going to talk to you down when you’re panicking, give you advice when you need it most, and just listen when you’re struggling or celebrating. I’m so grateful to have found my people!!!

I’d love to hear your thoughts on being an entrepreneur if you are one, as well! And feel free to drop any questions you might have below, too. Happy to be an open book when it comes to this stuff!!

xo Jordan

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