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I have news… (!!!)

I don’t think I’ve more excited for anything since I moved to Los Angeles to dance 7.5 years ago, you guys…

I am now…*drumroll please*…a BUSINESS OWNER!!!

Yep, I am no longer at my full time corporate job, I am now a SOCIAL MEDIA CONSULTANT at my own company called DFD Creative ?

I’ve shared more about why I’m making this transition in my latest YouTube video (below), but essentially I just want to build a life I truly love, and that means being an entrepreneur. My goal is to help small businesses, particularly those that are women owned and run, increase their social footprint and hone their voice on social platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.

I’ve actually been consulting for over a year now as a side hustle, so I’m super pumped to make this my main focus. You can read more about DFD Creative over on my “contact” page, but essentially I’m like a one-stop shop for social needs like content creation, product photography, copywriting, community management, data analysis, influencer outreach, and paid social.

If that sounds like something you or someone you know might need, please feel free to reach out to me directly at – I would love to talk all things social with you 🙂

Thank you so, so much for all of your support on here. I most definitely would not have the confidence or knowledge to take this leap in my career without this blog and this community!

xo Jordan

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