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DFD Babe Feature: Michaela of Michaela’s Motto

Oh yeah y’all, we are BACK with a DFD Babe Feature!!

It’s been a minute, but now that I’m actually a full-time female business owner myself, this series means more to me than ever before. And, if you’re new around here, I’ll just be super quick in explaining why: the DFD Babe Feature is all about supporting women who inspire me with their drive, ambition and success in creating businesses they’re passionate about!

Today I’m putting the spotlight on my friend Michaela who I actually met through one of my closest dancer friends (hey, Larissa!). Michaela is also a professional dancer, but on top of that, she’s a personal trainer who just launched her own nutrition and fitness plan. Think she might be superwoman honestly…

In this interview, we talk a little bit about where her love for fitness began, her mission and goals for Michaela’s Motto, and how she handles the stresses of entrepreneurship. Keep scrollin’ to learn more!??

Okay, tell us when you first became interested in fitness!

I started dancing at age 3 and have always loved staying active. Once I graduated high school and became a professional dancer, I found myself wanting to take care of my body and it became a hobby of challenging myself physically even off the dance floor. It was a positive outlet for me and I found myself so passionate and wanting to share it with others.  

And what about Michaela’s Motto?! What was the motivation behind creating your fitness app and nutrition plan?

I wanted an affordable platform that could serve women all around the world and teach them a healthy lifestyle. I struggled with an eating disorder in my past, but found a love for macro nutrition that taught me how to have a healthy relationship with food without restriction. Flexible dieting provided me that balance and freedom while still achieving my goals. I became a certified Macro nutrition coach so that I can help others fuel their body properly and also enjoy the foods they love. Life needs BALANCE and I am a true believer that flexible dieting compliments that.

I’d love to know your top three fitness moves for building muscle and burning fat!! I know burpees can be amazing but I can’t do more than about 5 of those, so hopefully that’s not one of your answers?

I love to incorporate plyometrics into my training programs. They get the heart rate up and get the calories BURNIN’. Plus, there aren’t many people who LOVE to do cardio so I like to incorporate it within the workout versus spending hours doing cardio a week (no one has time for that)! Lifting weights is also a huge component to weight loss. Even after your workout, your body is still burning calories to recover muscle tissue from your workout.

Some of my favorite exercises: jump squats, timed circuits with weights and bodyweight exercises, box jumps, battle ropes, & ice skaters.

What are three personality traits you think are key to being a successful entrepreneur?

A humble personality, outgoing/social (key to networking), and being genuinely passionate about what you do!

What’s your favorite part about being your own boss, and your least favorite?

I can work from anywhere, create my own schedule, provide and offer something to people that one else has. But being a one man show can be extremely challenging. I am learning SO much. If I don’t know how to do something, I have to learn how to do it and figure it out.

What advice can you give to others looking to start pursuing their passions?

Keep your current job and have your personal business as your side hustle until you become more established. It is nice to have a reliable/steady income each month while you work out the hiccups of your personal business. Take on a few customers at a time so that it isn’t overwhelming when you first begin, and slowly add clientele and your workload.

How do you prioritize time for yourself when you’re super busy with your business? Do you have any de-stressing techniques or self-care routines you can share?

I always try to do something my myself, whether that’s working out or just sitting a watching a favorite show of mine at the end of the day. Creating work hours for yourself is so important, just like you would have a start and end time of a job if you were employed by a company. Take care of YOU so that you can efficiently run the best business.

And there ya have it!! Just so impressed by my fellow female dancers and bada$$ business babes???? You can find Michaela on Instagram here and check out her fitness app here!

Be back soon!!??

xo Jordan

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